b'Young people needt he ligh tof wa t chful guidest o leadt hem ont he pa t h of salva t ion.Saint John Baptist de La SalleIf 2020 and 2021 have taught usWith us by your side in your sacred anything, it is that our calling towork, the young people in your care will encounter the love of our good work with young peopleJesus, excitedly engage in their is more important than ever.faith, and transform into the good We design each one of our productsneighbors you desire them to be.to do whats best for kids: to introduceWere here for you, just a phone call away them to the love of Jesus and to cultivate all the time. Were here to listen (and a love for the Church and her teachings.weve got a few ideas up our sleeves).800.533.80952'