Let's be thankful

We are thankful for YOU!

I am so inspired by the dedication and good hearts of our customers. It is such an honor to be able to develop resources that help them bring joy and love to the hearts of young people who are seeking the Good News in their lives. I am grateful every day for their goodness.
―John Vitek, President and CEO

I'm thankful for our customers; for their passion to truly transform the hearts of our youth.
―Laurie Z.

I am thankful for our customers because they are the teachers and catechists that work tirelessly to touch the hearts of young people. They give selflessly of their time to help their students and several times we get to hear their inspiring stories.
―Candy B.

I am thankful for our customers’ dedication to serving the young Church and in bringing the Good News of Christ to the world.
―Brian ST.

I’m grateful for the enthusiasm and genuine love of young people that Saint Mary’s Press customers show. Thank you! And thank God FOR you!
―Nora BH.

I am thankful for those who lead by example to inspire our young people to use their hearts, minds, and hands to become followers of Jesus.
―Carol H.

I'm thankful for the faithfulness of our customers - faithfulness to God, to their ministries, and to Saint Mary's Press!
―Pam E.

I am grateful for all of those who willingly accompany and support others as they grow in life and faith. This is no small task, but it is a vitally important one. Thank you!
―Steven E.

I’m incredibly thankful for the time, creativity, and great love our partners in ministry put into sharing the Good News with young people!
―Amanda R. 

I am thankful for my customers because
…they inspire me with their dedication to their parishes and schools.
…they remind me that God is in charge!
…they motivate me to continue to learn.
…they allow me to do what I love.
―Sandy R.

I’m so thankful for catechists and teachers. I know how challenging it can be. We just put together words and images, but they bring it alive! Without them to animate it, our efforts don’t mean nearly as much.
―Pat F.

Many of our customers are schools/educators – I am so thankful for the work that you do with our kids every day!
―Cathy E.

I am thankful that our customers do the great work they do, and that they tell us what we do well and what we can do better.
―Susanna S.

We would like to give a big thank you to our customers. From being easy to work with and having the opportunity to work closely with you day to day, we appreciate your attention to detail and overall being fun to work with!
―Toni C. and Connie G.

Every time I speak to our customers, it fires me up about my job because they passionately remind me why great resources are needed for the mission!
―Brad H.

I am thankful that God entrusted to you his care of the young.
Young people need good teachers, like visible angels.
To be entrusted with the teaching of the young is a great gift and grace of God.
May God continue what he has begun in you!
―Melissa J., inspired by the words of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, gathered by Nicholas Hutchinson, FSC.

I am thankful for our customers because without them, there would be no Saint Mary’s Press. They keep us motivated and excited to keep growing as a company and to stay driven on our mission.
―Chelsea M.