Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

Thank you for everything you do to enliven your students' hearts and minds with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Your ministry is a truly a gift and a blessing, and we are so grateful for you! Please enjoy a few words of inspiration and thanks:

Let us thank all those who teach in Catholic Schools. Educating is an act of love; it is like giving life.
– Pope Francis

This work of teaching is one of the most important in the Church.
– Saint John Baptist de La Salle

I find motivation in helping students journey on their path of faith. I am grateful to share with them an awareness of the sacredness of life and the sacramental presence of God’s love.
–Gary Hortsch

I am thankful for those who lead by example to inspire our young people to use their hearts, minds, and hands to become followers of Jesus.
– Carol, Saint Mary’s Press

You are called by God to your work: You are the ones whom [God] has chosen to help in this work by announcing to these children the Gospel of his Son and the truths that are contained in it.
– Saint John Baptist de La Salle

I look forward to watching the Holy Spirit work in the lives of my students and in myself in the classroom.
– Gary Meegan

I am grateful for all of those who willingly accompany and support others as they grow in life and faith. This is no small task, but it is a vitally important one. Thank you!
– Steven, Saint Mary’s Press

Just as he [Jesus] is the one who enlightens everyone coming into the world, he also enlightens the minds of your students and leads them to love and to practice the good that you teach them.
– Saint John Baptist de La Salle

We are all made for God, and it is our vocation to help remove the obstacles that stand between our students and their recognition of the place God should have in their lives.
– Br. Patrick Sarsfield, SM

I am thankful that God entrusted to you his care of the young.
Young people need good teachers, like visible angels.
To be entrusted with the teaching of the young is a great gift and grace of God.
May God continue what he has begun in you!
– Melissa, Saint Mary’s Press
Inspired by the words of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, gathered by Nicholas Hutchinson, FSC.