
Let My Prayer Arise—Orthodox Lent Chant in English

The song/video "Let My Prayer Arise—Orthodox Lent Chant in English," performed by the parish choir of Saint Philip Antiochian Orthodox Church in the USA, is available on YouTube (5:10) with lyrics and photos of Orthodox worship. This is chanted at …


Song/video "Deyenu, Coming Home"

The song/video “Deyenu, Coming Home,” by the Ein Prat Fountainheads, available on YouTube (2:54), is a fun song about Passover by a contemporary Jewish group and is appropriate for use on day 2.


Interview Chart for Religious Beliefs

This chart allows students to see the comparison between the beliefs of five major religions and those of the Catholic Church.


Religious Identity Descriptions

This handout provides the religious identities for five major world religions.

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