
Handout: Psalm 23

An adaptation of Psalm 23 to be used in prayer or reflection


Prayer Is...

Read the following descriptions of prayer by various authors. Choose one description that best fits how you see prayer. Or formulate your own description using a couple of these.


Lesson 39 Summary

The lesson learning objectives and content summary for Lesson 38, The Lord’s Prayer: Human Need.


Lesson 38 Summary

The lesson learning objectives and content summary for Lesson 38, The Lord’s Prayer: God’s Glory.


Lesson 37 Summary

The lesson learning objectives and content summary for Lesson 37, Praying Together.


Lesson 36 Summary

The lesson learning objectives and content summary for Lesson 36, Praying with Scripture.


Lesson 35 Summary

The lesson learning objectives and content summary for Lesson 35, Personal Prayer.


Lesson 34 Summary

The lesson learning objectives and content summary for Lesson 34, The Forms of Prayer.


Lesson 33 Summary

The lesson learning objectives and content summary for Lesson 33, Introduction to Prayer.


Lesson 4 Summary

The lesson learning objectives and content summary for Lesson 4, Faith.


Thanks Giving

Thanks Giving And now bless the God of all, who everywhere works great wonders, who fosters our growth from birth, and deals with us according to his mercy. (Sirach 50:22) Blessing God and being thankful are two of the most …


National Bible Week: Daily Reading - Always Loyal

Always Loyal Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who maintains covenant loyalty with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations. Deuteronomy 7:9 Such a loving God Moses describes here, …


National Bible Week: Daily Reading - We Are All Hungry

We Are All Hungry For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world. They said to him, Sir, give us this bread always John 6:33,34 At different times we need different …

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