
The Triumphant Entry

A short clip of Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey.


Saint Francis De Sales

A short video about Saint Francis De Sales, including an excerpt from his writing.


Robert Blachford v G.K. Chesterton

A re-enactment of a debate between Robert Blachford and Christian apologist G.K. Chesterton.


Words of Jesus: Catholic Social Justice - CF

A discussion among Social Justice Activists about their activities and Catholic Social Justice teachings.


Augustinian Vocation Promotion

A promotional video for the Augustinians which underscores the lifestyle of the members of the order.


What is Good Friday?

A short clip about the meaning of Good Friday.


What is Holy Thursday?

A short clip about the meaning of Holy Thursday.


What is Holy Week?

A short clip about the significance of Holy Week.


Saint Mother Teresa Film Trailer

An educational glimpse of the life of Saint Mother Teresa.


Saint Mother Teresa: The Legacy Trailer

An educational glimpse of the life of Saint Mother Teresa.


Mysteries: Celibacy

A documentary discussing the historical/theological precedents for celibacy.


Mysteries of the Church: Rosary

A video explaining the origins of The Rosary, what it means, and how it is prayed.


Mysteries of the Church: EUCHARIST

A documentary that provides: 1) A theological basis for the Eucharist, 2) An explanation of precisely what transpires during the Eucharist, 3) The process by which the bread of the Eucharist is created and 4) An instance of a Eucharistic miracle.


Mysteries of the Church: EXORCISM

A documentary discussing the traits of a possessed individual and the means by which a priest will exorcise the individual.


Mysteries of the Church: STIGMATA

Discusses the instances, credibility, and significance of the Stigmata.


Mysteries of the Church: SIN

A documentary discussing sin, its manifestations, its history, and the ways in which Christianity is a response to it.


Mysteries of the Church: LENT

A documentary discussing the importance and role of Lent.


Mysteries of the Church: TRINITY

A film explaining the theology and reality behind the Trinity.


Mysteries of the Church: GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

An explanation of the various gifts of the Holy Spirit and the way in which they help the church.


Mysteries of the Church: AFTERLIFE

This documentary discusses conceptions of the afterlife and explains the historical basis for and characteristics of heaven, hell, and purgatory.


Mysteries of the Church: MARTYRS

A discussion of martyrdom and examples of Christian martyrs.


Mysteries of the Church: APOCALYPSE

An explanation of the apocalypse as discussed in the book of Revelation.


Mysteries of the Church: Jesus' Arrest & Trial

A documentary explaining the events surrounding Jesus' arrest and trial.


Mysteries of the Church: The Early Evangelists

A documentary discussing the early church, its members, and the means by which it expanded. Note: Viewing begins at 1:10.

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