Multiply the Ministry

(3 Reviews)

By Sean P. Reynolds


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Jesus' great commission is, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" (Mt. 28:19). But living out the call to be a pastoral leader in the 21st century can be a daunting task. Multiply the Ministry is an essential manual for professional ministers who have dedicated their lives to calling, mentoring, and forming people in ministry. The book adapts the lessons of organizational leadership and adult education to help leaders form Church ministers in a way that is practical, spiritually sound, and user-friendly.

Multiply the Ministry explores four stages of discipleship (beginner, apprentice, partner, and master) and the appropriate leadership response to each (instructor, coach, facilitator, and helper). Worksheets are included to help the user identify levels of ministerial development and to customize a training plan. A chapter on the "super skills" of volunteer management provides helpful information on working with people from all walks of life who are committed to serving the Church.

Multiply the Ministry is a valuable tool for pastors, directors of religious education, pastoral ministers, youth ministers, liturgical leaders, evangelization coordinators, campus ministers, catechetical leaders, and others who serve in pastoral leadership capacities. This book is an essential resource for modern church leadership. You'll rely on it again and again as your ministry grows.

Product Details

Copyright: Jan. 1, 2001

Format: Spiral

Size: 8.312 x 10.75

Length: 128 pages

Weight: 0.800lbs

Item number: 3344

ISBN: 978-0-88489-374-5

ISBN-10: 0-88489-374-X

Customer Reviews

By George Wilson, SJ, Management Design Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio

Sean Reynolds promises, and he produces. He has delivered a work that is eminently practical and clear. The constructs on which he bases his hands-on tips are solid and easily applicable. Multiply the Ministry will be immensely helpful to anyone responsible for overseeing and developing effective parish ministry.

By Bob McCarty, executive director, National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry

Finally, a resource to support the changing image of ministry coordinators! Sean Reynolds provides a valuable resource for all those who are 'enablers' of ministry on a parish or diocesan level. The book includes the processes and handouts for implementing a leadership development system and for creating the structures that sustain ministry. Additionally, this is a very useful resource for mentoring individuals or groups into effective ministry roles. Ministry trainers will also find this resource helpful in designing specific training sessions and more extensive ministry formation programs.

By Ellen Doyle, OSU, executive director, National Association of Church Personnel Administrators (NACPA)

Sean Reynolds has created a practical guide for introducing, developing, and polishing ministry coordination skills. Grounded in theological reflection, organizational development, adult learning principles, and an understanding of the challenges of contemporary church ministry, Multiply the Ministry is indeed a "new wineskins" approach to ministry formation. Parishes, campus ministry departments, outreach project centers, and ministry formation programs will all find this to be a fresh and invaluable resource.
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