Growing Teen Disciples


By Frank Mercadante

$28.25 Paperback

Teen Life and Christ


By Jerry Shepherd

$9.50 Paperback

Go Out Into All the World: How to Make Joyful Disciples

At the end of Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus speaks his last words of encouragement and commissioning to his disciples: “Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples; . . . and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age” […]


Gospel Connections for Teens

Living as a Christian teen in today's world is a challenge, but there is help. Fr. Corey Brost's Gospel Connections for Teens connects weekly Gospel messages with teen ups and downs. In just 20 minutes a week, young people can …

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Saint Thérèse and 3 Other Young Saints to Inspire Teens

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux   (1873–1897)  Feast day: October 1    In every teen’s life, there are big decisions to be made. This is true in a saint’s life as well. In her teen years, Thérèse Martin decided to do what is not recommended by Church authorities today and was not even recommended by Church authorities of […]

Growing Up Muslim in America

(Note: Saint Mary’s Press Research spoke with Sara, a young Muslim woman, about her experience growing up and today as a Muslim woman in the United States. Her experiences and insights offer valuable context to appreciate the religious longings and belongings of young people in this country. Following is a lightly edited transcript of that conversation.) I’m […]


Ministry Ideas for Celebrating with Teens, Families, and Parishes

This series is designed to help teens, their families, and parishes acknowledge the mixed messages of the holiday seasons while making the seasons a meaningful time for remembering who we are and whose we are. These books provides strategies and …

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By My Side


By Victoria Shepp

$14.95 Paperback

Available in digital:

Teens and Relationships


By Jerry Shepherd

$9.50 Paperback

Make It Real


By Frank Mercadante

$29.25 Paperback


The Being Real Series

For many teenagers it's not cool to show interest in organized religion. They often believe that religion is something that is not quite real—at least, not as real as everyday experiences like family, friends, foes, school, parties, love, hate, anger, …

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Live It!


Ready-to-Go Game Shows


By Michael Theisen and Paula Minell

$23.95 Spiral

Teens and Spirituality


By Jerry Shepherd

$9.50 Paperback

Scripture Sessions on the New Testament (Leader's Guide)


By Tony Tamberino

$20.95 Paperback

Engagement in the Age of Online Learning

In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus tells his disciples, “Then every scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old” (13:52). Jesus of course was talking about how his disciples would take the truths of the […]


The Discovering Program

The Discovering Program

Younger teens need a religious education program that addresses real-life teen issues and different learning styles. The Discovering Program is a comprehensive set of 14 six-session minicourses and teaching resources that help you create religion classes focusing on relationship-building, active student participation, and sound religious principles.

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Get Out of the Church

Churches, Like Libraries, Need to Take Services to Teens Churches and libraries have a few things in common. Both are traditional institutions serving a local community. Both offer opportunities to deepen knowledge and exercise personal responsibility. And neither is much frequented by teens. Part of the problem for libraries, according to veteran librarian Nadine Kramarz, […]

Scripture-Based Retreats for Teens Ages 10-19


Edited by Laurie Delgatto-Whitten

$28.25 Paperback

Journey of Faith for Ordinary Time (Leader's Guide)


By Mary Shrader

$27.25 Paperback

Journey of Faith for Ordinary Time (Student Workbook)


By Mary Shrader

$12.50 Paperback

Lesson in a Bag™


Lesson in a Bag™
