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 December 11, 2021 

Saturday of the Second Week of Advent

Saint of the day

Saint Damasus I (c.305-384)

Saint Damasus I was appointed pope after the death of Pope Liberius. However, a minority in Rome appointed another man, Ursinus, as pope. This caused a controversy that resulted in violence and scandal. During the papacy of Damasus, Christianity was proclaimed the official religion of the Roman Empire and Latin became the primary liturgical language. Damasus appointed Saint Jerome to translate the Bible into Latin, and took great care in the restoration and preservation of the catacombs and relics of martyrs. For these efforts, Pope Saint Damasus I is known as the patron saint of archaeologists.


It is important to preserve the things that are important to us so that younger generations can enjoy them and learn from them in the future. Saint Damasus realized this, and took great care in restoring and preserving the catacombs and relics of martyrs. Do you strive to preserve the things that are important to you so that others will be able to enjoy them in the future? Ask God to help you be a good steward of the Earth, and to help you spread the Good News to others.


Lord, please help me to be a good steward of creation, and help spread the Good News, so that others will be able to enjoy these important things in the future.

Liturgical season information

Lectionary: 186

Place in Year: Advent

Color of decorations and priest's vestments: Violet

Daily readings

Reading I: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11

Responsorial Psalm: 80:2Ac And 3B, 15-16, 18-19

Alleluia: Lk 3:4, 6

Gospel: Mt 17:9A, 10-13

View complete readings on USCCB.org
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